An Ultrasonic wind sensor is an excellent way to monitor wind speeds in an outdoor environment. It is a relatively inexpensive device that is able to measure wind speeds at extremely low speeds. In addition, these devices are incredibly compact and rugged. They are compatible with HOBO stations and require no programming, making them an ideal choice for monitoring wind speed and direction. They also come with a built-in solar panel, which means that you don’t need to worry about running out of power when using the sensor.


An ultrasonic wind sensor’s primary feature is its high speed and high accuracy. It also features three analog outputs and an IP66 stainless steel housing. Compared to mechanical anemometers, ultrasonic wind sensors are much more accurate. They measure wind speed and direction to the nearest 10 deg.

The ultrasonic wind sensor works with a special technique called ultrasonic time difference, which involves superimposing the speed of sound and the air flow. Using a computer, a microprocessor calculates the wind speed and direction based on the difference in time between the arrival and departure of ultrasonic waves. The ultrasonic sensor then sends the information to a monitoring station, cloud platform, or concentrator for further analysis.

The ultrasonic wind sensor is a low-cost alternative to mechanical wind sensors. Because there are no moving parts, ultrasonic wind sensors require less maintenance than traditional cup and vane sensors. They are also ice-resistant and tested to meet MIL-STD-810F. Combined with other ultrasonic anemometer features, ultrasonic sensors have the potential to deliver significant added value.


Ultrasonic wind sensors are used to measure wind speeds and directions. Since the sound wave has no inertia, it is possible to measure sudden changes in wind direction and speed. In fact, the National Weather Service recently changed all of its Automated Surface Observation Systems to use ultrasonic wind sensors. These systems serve as the primary network for surface weather monitoring in the U.S. Since 2000, the National Weather Service has been upgrading its sensors to improve accuracy. Additionally, the Federal Aviation Administration has mandated that all weather sensors be capable of measuring variable gusts at three-second intervals.

Ultrasonic wind sensors have several advantages over traditional wind gauges. Unlike mechanical anemometers, these wind gauges don’t require on-site calibration and maintenance. Additionally, they’re reliable and can work reliably for long periods of time. This makes them an excellent replacement for mechanical anemometers.


Ultrasonic wind sensors measure the wind speed and direction by utilizing a method called ultrasonic time difference. The speed of sound in the air is superimposed on the speed of air flow, and the direction of the ultrasonic wave is parallel to or the opposite of the wind direction. A computer can calculate the speed of the ultrasonic wave, and the resulting data can be used to calculate the wind speed and direction.

There are many different types of ultrasonic wind sensors, ranging in cost from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Most of these devices are very accurate, as they measure the time taken by a sound pulse. Ultrasonic wind sensors are also very compact, which makes them ideal for benchtop use.


Ultrasonic wind sensors are used in a variety of applications. They can be used in the wind power generation industry and for weather monitoring. They are also used in bridges, tunnels, and aviation airports. Other applications include various fan manufacturing industries, exhaust systems, and urban environmental monitoring.

Compared with conventional wind speed and direction sensors, ultrasonic sensors do not require any calibration or maintenance. Their non-moving parts and corrosion-free exteriors make them perfect for land-based and marine applications. They are also designed to provide accurate wind speed and direction data at the same time. Furthermore, there are no moving parts, which means that they last for a long time. Moreover, these sensors feature random error recognition technology, which ensures low dispersion errors even under strong wind conditions. These benefits have made ultrasonic wind sensors popular in many industries.


The accuracy of an ultrasonic wind sensor is largely determined by the data it can produce. The measurement location and wind speed are obtained using a reference point at 0 degrees. At different angles, the device can detect wind speeds of up to 1.73% less than the mean value.

Using the same wind sensor to measure wind speed and direction can lead to inaccuracy. This is because the amplitude and phase of the wind can be different from each other. For example, a cup anemometer that measures wind speed at a frequency of five Hz and an ultrasonic wind sensor that measures wind speed at 20 Hz have radically different spectra.

Accuracy of an ultrasonic wind sensor is a great benefit for wind energy projects. It is much more reliable than mechanical wind sensors and can work in all conditions. Moreover, its long-term performance makes it a worthy replacement for the mechanical anemometer.