Our brain is a complex part of our body that controls all its activities. It works as fast or even faster than a supercomputer. It has the capacity of storing immense information. That’s why theories play a vital role.

Intelligence is as complex a topic as is our brain. There have been several debates and psychologists have come up with several research paper writings to give out their views on intelligence.

It has been noticed that there are several components of intelligence. It is hard to combine them all and come up with a settled definition. Yet Wechsler defined it as, Intelligence which is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment. 

Students and researchers of psychology tend to need assignment help while they are working on this topic because of its complexity. While it has been difficult to figure out the working of intelligence, several psychologists have proposed three levels in the process:

Important point:

  1. The first is learning. Here you see or hear a piece of information, retain it in your mind, and keep on revising so as to properly store it in your mind.
  2. To make use of this knowledge, you need to understand the problem that requires implementation of this knowledge and then work towards the solution using the acquired knowledge.
  3. Last is solving problems using the knowledge gained. You must figure out several different ways to address the problem. All this is done using our intelligence. 

The concept of intelligence involves problem-solving, reasoning, creative thinking, and the like. Although the topic of intelligence has been the source of several research paper writing, its certain dimensions remain unexplored and it is still a topic of debate among many.

Irrespective of this fact, intelligence plays an important and undeniable role in our lives from its early stages. It has its applications in several areas. These areas include decisions regarding how much funding should be given. The educational programs, the use of testing to screen job applicants and interview them, and the use of testing to find out children who need additional academic help like assignment help, presentation help, etc. 

The German psychologist William Stern was the first person to coin the term Intelligence Quotient or IQ. Later psychologist Alfred Binet developed an intelligence test to help the French government identify school-going children who needed assistance in academics.

He was the first person to classify a person’s intelligence according to age and developed the concept of mental intelligence. He thus talked about the mental requirements of students of different ages.

Some theories brought out on knowledge:

  1. The theory of General Intelligence was given by Charles Spearman who was a British psychologist. He gave this general intelligence the name of ‘g’ factor. After a practical application of this test, Spearman concluded that the results were very much similar. The students who scored well on the cognitive tests also scored well on other tests as well, while those who couldn’t ace the cognitive tests well, couldn’t do in others as well. Therefore he concluded that intelligence is a cognitive ability and can be measure and expressed numerically.
  2. Louis L. Thurstone developed the theory on primary mental abilities. He did not refer to intelligence as a single, general ability but based it on seven factors namely:
  • Reasoning
  • Numerical ability
  • Word fluency
  • Verbal Comprehension
  • Perceptual Speed
  • Spatial Visualization
  • Associative Memory
  1. Another psychologist Howard Gardner came up with his theory of multiple intelligences. He deviated from the previous ways and came up with this different theory. He argued that numerical expressions of intelligence like the evaluation of Intelligence Quotient do not guarantee the exact results. Therefore he proposed a model of intelligence based on multiple factors prevalent in all cultures:
  • Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
  • Logical-mathematical intelligence
  • Musical intelligence
  • Verbal-linguistic intelligence
  • Interpersonal intelligence
  • Intrapersonal intelligence
  • Visual-spatial intelligence
  • Naturalistic intelligence
  • LMS Portals
  1. Robert Sternberg, another psychologist, defined intelligence as mental activity directed toward purposive adaptation to, selection, and shaping of real-world environments relevant to one’s life. On one hand, he agree with Gardner’s statement that intelligence is not just a general ability based on one factor, on the other hand, he stated that the intelligence Gardner has portraye can be better viewed as individual ones. Sternberg proposed the concept of “successful intelligence,” which involves the following three different factors:
  • Creative intelligence: this is the ability to deal with the present-day problems using knowledge of past as well as the present.
  • Analytical intelligence: this deals with the way you analyze a problem and solve it.
  • Practical intelligence: this refers to your ability to deal with the changing environment.

Intelligence is not just about mental abilities but also about your emotional abilities thus there is emotional intelligence as well.

Emotional Intelligence refers to the way you understand your emotions and have control over them.

  • Strengthened over time.
  • while others suggest that it is inbuilt and cannot be altered. 

John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey, another psychologist, have defined emotional intelligence as the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, discriminate among them, and use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions. 

Therefore these were the several theories on emotional intelligence that psychologists have long developed and talked about. These are not the end ones. Intelligence theories is still being explored. But these theories may provide the psychology students with the assignment help and make their task easy. 

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